Our Babies Count
Branding / Community Engagement / Design / WebWith 1000 babies dying every year and African American babies dying at nearly 3x the rate of white babies, it was clear Ohio needed to move to reduce its infant mortality numbers. MurphyEpson was hired to create that movement by healthcare industry leaders. Our Babies Count connects young moms-to-be to vital resources and information to prevent prematurity – the #1 cause of baby deaths in Ohio. Our approach was to reach people where they live through local events and programs to create a groundswell of awareness and education inside Ohio’s most at-risk communities. Our street teams have talked to thousands of people around the state. Social media was also huge. Our Facebook page had 1000+ followers in the first three weeks and 5000+ followers within 11 months, pretty incredible. This multi-pronged engagement strategy is helping save Ohio babies. E-toolkit and more at OurBabiesCount.org.
Check out our How Health Plans Can Benefit Mom video!