Welcome our world traveling, dance loving Account Coordinator, Dana!

Welcome to the Engage/MurphyEpson team! Tell us a little about yourself.

Hey y’all! I am a recent (virtual) graduate from Elon University in North Carolina where I earned my BSBA in Marketing and minored in Psychology. I studied abroad twice during my time at Elon, spending a month in Dubai and Abu Dhabi my freshman year and the spring semester of my junior year in Florence, Italy (my favorite place in the world)! I was also very involved in Elonthon–Elon’s Dance Marathon for Duke Children’s Hospital–a cause that is incredibly close to my heart. Other than that, I am a sucker for the outdoors, exploring coffee shops, and I laugh at my own jokes way more than anyone else ever does.


OK, now it’s time for some rapid fire.


If you could have a cup of coffee with anyone, who would it be?

I know you’re asking for one person, but picture this: Reese Witherspoon, Joanna Gaines, Michelle Obama, and I are all sharing stories over coffee–I probably wouldn’t remember any of it because I’d be too excited. Nevertheless, I think we would have the best conversation about books, food (shout out to the Magnolia Table cookbook) and servant leadership…not to mention I am certain I would leave feeling so empowered!


What’s your spirit animal?

A hippo! When you Google “hippopotamus spirit animal” it says, “The hippopotamus spirit animal reminds you that you are born great, and you have the potential to become whoever you want to be.” I think that’s a great reminder!


What was your first email address? (Don’t be shy.)

dgurl08@gmail.com. Spelling girl with a “u” was the cool thing to do in middle school…


What was your first job?

Aside from nannying, I taught art classes at Picasso’s in Upper Arlington. Teaching at their summer camp for little kids was my favorite part of the job, but I also taught Friday night middle school classes and Wine Craft for adults throughout the year!


What’s the next country you want to travel to?

I am itching to travel to Ireland! Hopefully that will be my next big trip post-coronavirus.


If you were a Crayola crayon, what would your name be?

Matcha Love – it’s only fitting considering I drink an iced matcha daily.


You’ve got one day in Columbus. What do you do?

I would definitely try to hit as many coffee shops as I could. A few favorites are Fox in the Snow, Flowers & Bread, and Stauf’s (specifically the Neil Ave. location).


Tell us what you do at Engage.

In short, marketing, social media, and business strategy. I help to launch communication efforts, develop marketing research initiatives, and manage social media assets for clients. So far, my day-to-day has consisted of a lot of writing, learning, and strategizing, and I have loved every minute of it!


What do you do outside of work?

A typical day for me usually consists of practicing yoga, reading books, and likely eating something from Trader Joe’s. I also love to spend time with my friends and family, especially when it involves kayaking or playing games like euchre or Catan.


Engage and MurphyEpson have cultivated quite the culture of philanthropy. What’s your favorite way to give back to the community?

I love to give back by being in the midst of community, physically present and together for a cause. Being surrounded by people that share a common goal and passion is so inspiring and empowering to me. There is so much value in being able to personally connect with the people and/or communities that are being impacted but there is also infinitely more to learn from them, and it brings me so much joy to be part of that environment.


Give us a note you’d like to end on.

These are some of my favorite words to live by – “We can change at home, certainly, but something profound happens inside of us when we remove ourselves from what’s familiar and safe and challenge ourselves to something bigger.” – Stephanie May Wilson


Awesome! To learn more about Dana, connect with her on LinkedIn.

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