Now in week six of quaran-teamME-ing, we’re chuckling over coffee and funny GIFS as we connect via online chats every morning. We’re enjoying camera views where kids crawl over their dads and insistent dogs jump into laps – all while we’re still getting the work done. It’s a new normal, but our home offices are now camera-ready.
Here are a few situations that have made us laugh:
“The team was working hard to approve invoices. Then, we received new items for approval—DUCKS! Missi sent pictures of her home office’s new additions. We approve!!”
– Mark Keister, Operations Officer
“On more than one occasion during a phone call, my cat has chimed in (out of jealousy for wanting to be involved in everything I do) and that always gets a laugh from people. You’d expect a vocal child, not a cat!”
– Mindy Justis, Senior Account Manager
“Hearing ’Baby Shark’ playing in the background of our team’s Monday morning conference call while Marie tells Mark to mute his computer and the rest of us laugh (they are hosting their great-niece).”
– Nick Hoffman, Project Manager + Planner
“While making breakfast one morning, I played music on our Bluetooth speaker. Before my girlfriend, Kylie, got on a video conference, I shut the music off and went to another room forgetting to disconnect the speaker. As she sat across the room giving her weekly update, her entire team heard the TikTok videos I was watching.”
– Tim Bates, Account Coordinator
“Turning the Transit Columbus virtual meeting into a drinking game!”
– Marie Keister, President and CEO
Stay healthy. Wash your hands.
– Team ME