The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Social Media
We all know that one person who travels once and becomes an expert on all things foreign. Or that one person who has a kid and becomes an instant expert on all things parenting. It’s slightly exhausting for all involved and can quickly lead to eye rolls and frustration.
That’s how social media specialists can feel when Aunt Viola or Cousin Lyle decides she or he is an expert on all things Facebook. So before you add Aunt Viola as an administrator on your Facebook Page, read on to hear the worst advice we’ve ever heard about social media.
“Hire an intern to handle it.”
Speak these words and watch every social media specialist cringe before your eyes. Although interns can be vital to the day-to-day operations of a business, and, in turn, a business can be vital to their learning, social media should not be something you hand off to the youngest member of your staff. Because social media is one of the newest elements of digital marketing, (or marketing in its entirety) many companies assume the newest members of their team should handle it. But social media specialists, like any occupation, have studied and trained on how to handle the digital voice of a company. Social media is an extension of your customer service and the public-facing aspect of a company – don’t handle it lightly.
“Sync your platforms so that when you post on Facebook, it automatically posts on all of them.”
This is the part of the scary movie when everyone’s screaming “don’t go in there!” But seriously, step away from the auto-post. Instagram loves hashtags. Eleven to be exact. But if you post eleven hashtags on Facebook, people will raise a brow. Not to mention, if the same person follows you on three platforms and they’ve seen your post once, they are going to breeze right through it on your other platforms. That’s why social media specialists frame one post differently across all networks. What works on Instagram – from the size of your photo to the length of your copy – will not work on Twitter.
“You have to join Snapchat.”
No. No, you don’t. You don’t need to join any networks that don’t target your desired audience or fall within your capabilities. If you don’t have the manpower (or womanpower!) to manage seven platforms, then don’t create a presence on seven platforms. Not to mention, new platforms are trending every few months. But if they don’t serve your mission or vision, they aren’t for you. If you only have a few hours a week to dedicate to social media, choose one or two platforms and rock them like it’s nobody’s business.
“Don’t worry so much about responding to messages or comments.”
Not only is Facebook watching – they time you from the message you receive to your first reply – your audience is, too. When someone comments or messages your platform, this is your chance to shine. Respond timely, concisely and thoroughly. All in all, consult the experts when it comes to social media. You don’t think twice about it when it comes to your personal health. So why risk it when it comes to the health of your brand?
Voted Most Likely to Cheer You Up in Under 140 Characters, Rachel Sharkey is our social media strategist by day and cake pop master by night.
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