Wednesday Weigh-in: Team ME’s Secrets to Staying Focused
In a world filled with texts from friends, cubicle cross convos, Twitter updates and cute cat videos, meeting multiple deadlines seems nearly impossible some days. #teamME is here to offer up the secrets that keep us on track Monday through Friday.
Try One of Our Stay-focused Secrets:
“Keep a master list of action items with due dates, set aside blocks of time on the calendar for in depth strategy sessions, and turn off the phone and email when on deadline.”
– Marie, President + CEO
“Sometimes you have to eat the frog and do the ’worst‘ thing first.”
– Stephanie, Senior Account Manager
“I’ll sip water all day and get up frequently for a refill or take a mini mental break by jumping on social media or reviewing current events. I also put in ear buds and listen to my favorite country artists to lift my mood!”
– Missi, Art Director
“The calendar drives the to-do list, but knowing how to reprioritize is key. Getting caught in meetings may mean pushing to-dos to tomorrow.”
– Mark, COO
“Drink a glass of water every one to two hours. It keeps me hydrated and refreshed so I can concentrate.”
– Jeanna, Account Manager
“I turn my phone upside down – I glance at it far less often when I’m not distracted by every update, and I can still get important calls if they come in. I also re-read this article about stress, resilience and happiness and it recharges me. Every. Time.”
– Mindy, Senior Project Manager
“I make a list at the end of every day, in order of importance, for the following day. It helps me feel confident that I can conquer the next day, as well as frees my mind of work to-do’s, so I can enjoy my family time when I get home.”
– Erin, Art Director
“Every morning, after getting a cup of coffee, I review my list of things to do for the week and organize them based on project deadlines. I write a short list of the most urgent items on a post-it note that I keep directly in front of my keyboard. I cross off items as completed.”
– Leah, Art Director
“Four words: Spotify’s ‘Productive Morning’ playlist.”
– Angela, Account Executive + Social Strategist
Let us know what works for you! Tag @murphyepson and tell us how you make the most of your work day. While you’re here, take time to get to know a little more about our team and the work we do. Or, “like” us on Facebook to stay in touch!